Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center

About the Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center

The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center is a state-funded agency that works with parents, child care providers, early educators, businesses and community organizations to help promote the availability of quality child care services in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester counties.

ESCCRC helps child care providers, caring for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children by providing high quality training, program resources and technical assistance. The Lower Shore Child Care Resource Center works with all families and providers on the lower shore regardless of income.

The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center is a member agency of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding from the Maryland State Department of Education. LSCCRC is grant sponsored by Salisbury University.

Our Mission

The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center’s mission is to advocate for quality child care and provide supportive services that enhance the quality of child care on the Lower Shore of Maryland. The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center is committed to providing quality training and consultative services to the child care community as well as pertinent resources to providers and families in order to promote school readiness and the well being of young children and those who care for them.

Become a A Member


Membership is for one full year and entitles you to discount on most trainings and resource room fees. Only individual  memberships are available. Please call our office for current membership fees.