Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center

Welcome to the Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center!

The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center (ESCCRC) is a state funded agency that works with child care providers and other early educators, community organizations and families on the Shore to help promote the availability of quality child care services in Somerset, Worcester, Wicomico, Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot counties.  We are a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network, with funding provided by the Maryland State Department of Education through Maryland Family Network, and Salisbury University.

ESCCRC is under the direction of Dr. Chin Hsiu Chen, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Early and Elementary Education, Seidel School of Education at Salisbury University. Leslie Sinclair is the Project Director for ESCCRC.

ESCCRC helps early childhood professionals caring for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children by providing high quality training, program resources, technical assistance and coaching. The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center works with all families and providers on the shore regardless of income.

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Our Staff


Hours of Operation

We have resumed normal working hours.  Opening Hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  You will be able to reach a staff member by calling 410-543-6650.

Our Mission

The ESCCRC elevates the early childhood profession through cohesive professional learning opportunities, advocates for the highest quality learning environments for young children, and supports the unique needs of all families.

Privacy Policy

Salisbury University Privacy Policy

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Salisbury Office Information

The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center (ESCCRC)
Suite 500, East Campus Complex
(Wayne and Power Streets)
Salisbury University
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
Phone: 410-543-6650
Fax: 410-543-6655

Wye Mills Office Information

Eastern Shore Higher Education Center
1000 College Circle, Room # 104 B
Wye Mills MD, 21679