What We Do
Our services include:
Infant and Toddler program
The Infant/Toddler specialist is happy to assist any family or center program that focuses on providing developmentally appropriate and quality care for infants and children less than three years of age. Contact our Infant and Toddler Specialist for help with your infant and toddler program!
The Infant And Toddler Specialist can help you with:
Related trainings on site or at ESCCRC during the evenings, weekends or as needed
ITERS (Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale)
Information on the Social,Emotional development of infants and toddlers
Pamphlets, handouts and activity ideas for appropriate care of infants and toddlers
Parent Education
Services available in all 8 counties on the shore
The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center offers training opportunities* for child care providers, pre-school teachers, parents and anyone else interested in quality, up-to-date early-childhood/school age information.
- Training opportunities are available several times per month.
- Specialized training series are available such as the Infant/Toddler 45 hour preservice and Healthy Beginnings.
- Our trainings are approved by the Office of Child Care. Certificates granted fulfill licensing requirements.**
- Training topics include a variety of interesting topics. All trainings are taught by early childhood educators or experts in a variety of fields key to the child care provider.
- Trainings can be offered in all eight counties, although most take place in the ESCCRC training rooms at Salisbury University or at Eastern shore Higher Education Center in Wye Mills.
- Trainings are offered at a low cost.
- Trainings can be arranged on site.
Consideration will be made for training requests. Contact Leslie Sinclair for more information @ lasinclair@salisbury.edu
*You must register for most trainings that are offered.
**In order to receive credit, you must be present for the entire training.
Contact the Resource Center. Phone 410-543-6650 for more information.
Payment Options
Cash, Check (made out to Salisbury University), Visa or Mastercard
All payments need to be made at registration and prior to classes
Technical Assistance
The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center provides technical assistance to current or prospective child care providers.
Services include but are not limited to:
- Assistance with licensing compliance issues.
- Assistance and support handling children’s typical behavior issues.
- Room arrangement
- Assistance to child care providers who have questions regarding providing services for special needs children.
- Assistance and information on accreditation, and the Maryland EXCELS program.
- Assistance and information on applying for available loans or grants for start up, expanding and/or improving the quality of child care.
Services are offered free of charge and can be offered through telephone consultation and/or on site visits.
Contact Rosalie Merryweather (Lower Shore) rdmerryweather@salisbury.edu, or Lynne Doeler (Upper Shore) lsdoeler@salisbury.edu, call 410-543-6650 for more information.
Growing Opportunities in Family Child Care (GOFCC)
Are you interested in caring for and educating Maryland’s children? Have you ever wanted to be your own boss and business owner? Then consider a career in early care and education as a family child care provider.
These programs, operated within your home, provide families with a nurturing and intimate setting which is developmentally appropriate for the care and education of young children. Data shows that in some communities in Maryland, this is the most readily accessible and affordable option available to families. However, over the last decade the number of family child care providers closing their doors far outnumbers those who are opening new programs. This decline is having a negative impact on the options available to families when selecting care to meet their needs.
For more information, visit https://www.marylandfamilynetwork.org/GOFCC
To register and speak to a Coordinator at the Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center, visit www.openchildcaretoday.com
Lending Library and Resource Room
The Eastern Shore Child Care Resource Center offers a full lending library for child care providers with materials for infant, toddler, preschool and school-age programs. The Resource Room in Salisbury at the man office is open Monday-Friday 9-5.
- Resource Library Books and Kits (children’s books, curriculum books, book kits, etc)-free lending for two weeks
- Parachute/Gross Motor Activities
- Sand/Water Tables
- Puppets
- Construction paper
- Bulletin board paper
- Foam paper
- Poster board paper
- Tempera Paints
- Laminating machine
- Binding machine
- Button Maker
- Magnet Maker